
What I can offer Clients
I help companies reach their potential on sustainability by:
1. Developing Strategy (the WHY)
Gathering the Insight to inform strategy (including stakeholder views; competitor benchmarking; identifying marketplace disruptors; understanding the science, investor expectations and the policy/regulatory framework)
Shaping the Business Case by helping each company understand its unique potential to succeed through sustainability (product/service opportunities; being leaner; more trusted; more resilient supply chains; more motivating for colleagues and prospective recruits; attracting capital etc)
Coaching and mentoring leaders to have the confidence to lead sustainably internally and externally.
2. Developing a Plan to activate the strategy (the WHAT)
Identifying and prioritizing the material issues and the targets that need to be set to turn strategy into action.
Creating the internal governance to hold the organization and its value chain to account for delivery
Developing a robust approach to external transparency (including reporting) to build confidence and trust
3. Integrating the plan into day-to-day business (the HOW)
Communicating internally with colleagues, suppliers and business partners on the need and potential for sustainable change giving them the knowledge, confidence and skills to act
Communicating externally with customers, investors, policy makers on the benefits accruing to them from the action taken
Identifying the optimum cross sector and cross economy partnerships to participate in to spread the burden of change.
Mike is a leader in sustainable change. One of the pioneers of green business in the corporate world he helped to develop, launch and implement Marks and Spencer’s ground-breaking sustainability programme, Plan A (because there is no Plan B for the one world we have). In ten years, Plan A delivered £750m of net business benefit and over the years won 230 awards.
During his time at M&S he helped evolve Plan A to become a change management programme designed to make sustainability ‘how M&S did business’. The business achieved zero-waste-to-landfill status, moved to 100% renewable electricity and achieved carbon neutrality across its global estate of stores, offices and warehouses.
He helped the business engage in some of the world’s leading collaboration platforms for sustainability such as the World Economic Forum, the Consumer Goods Forum and Business in the Community. His external leadership ensured that Plan A leadership and learning was leveraged into wider change throughout the global economy, including:
Inaugural winner of the Guardian Sustainable Business Innovator of the year in 2011 after a public vote;
Co-chair of the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) Sustainability Steering Group;
Chair of the World Environment Centre;
Member of Business in the Community’s Environmental Leadership team;
Business Fellow at the Smith Centre Oxford University;
Senior Associate Cambridge Institute for Sustainable Leadership
Ethical Corporation Honouree 2019
Trustee at Blueprint for Better Business
Having worked at an international level of business, with charities, with think tanks, and with start-ups he has a broad array of experience. He has proven the necessity of dialogue, trust and the willingness to develop engagement into wide ranging mutually beneficial partnerships. This is vital for the interconnected world we live in.
During his career he has shown exceptional drive, integrity and personal resilience throughout periods of management change, takeover battles and challenging trading. He has developed excellent leadership skills and has demonstrated his ambition and passion to build a more sustainable future.
Upon leaving M&S he formed mikebarryeco ltd in order to support organisations across society and the economy to deliver sustainable change. To find out more about the business and his personal manifesto click below:
October 2019 – present: Director, Mikebarryeco Limited
September 2013-June 2019: M&S Director of Sustainable Business
2007-2013: Head of Sustainable Business, Marks and Spencer plc
2005-2007: Head of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Marks and Spencer plc
2000-2005: Environmental Systems Manager, Marks and Spencer plc